Heat & Cooling Load Calculation Service

Often referred to as a Manual J, a proper design of any HVAC project requires knowing the heating load or cooling load. The heating load is the number of BTUs required in the coldest day of the year in your region to keep the house at its design set point temperature.

Our calculation service ensures that the equipment for your project is sized correctly – and is based on many factors. An improperly sized system could mean a house that can’t keep warm in a cold winter, or an oversized system that leads to higher upfront and operating costs than required.

Getting this right is important!

Manual J Design Service

Manual J
Design Service

We provide this service FREE of charge to all customers that purchase a packaged heat pump system from us. (note there is a small upfront fee, but this is credited back to you on your purchase invoice).

The process involves you uploading your building plans and reviewing them with our certified Heat Load Designer, who then provides you with a design analysis.

$.10 per Square Foot

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Heat Expert

No one knows air to water heat pumps like we do!

Have questions about our energy-efficient heating solutions? We're here to help! Whether you need product details, installation support, or assistance with an order, our team is ready to assist you.

Get in touch, no matter where you’re at in your project plans. We’d be so happy to help!