Dual Zone Heating & Cooling

Featuring Dual Zone Control built into the touch screen system controller.

Dual Zone Heating & Cooling

Dual Zone
Heating & Cooling*

Featuring Dual Zone Control built into the touch screen system controller.

Most pool owners are aware of the challenges of heating both a pool and a spa using a single heating system. This often involves a full pool automation system at the cost of $1000’s of extra dollars. The Arctic Pool Heat Pump features a built-in dual zone control system capable of managing two separate systems: specifically, a pool and hot tub with one heating controller. Even more incredible, the Arctic Pool Heat Pump can heat one body while cooling the other!

This allows pool owners to have both a warm pool and a chiller tub or heat both a pool and a hot tub to different temperatures.

*Only included with 060ZA/B. 

How it works

Dual Zone Arctic Pool Heat Pumps

By selecting dual mode, customers can assign one zone as the priority zone.

The heat pump will control a 24 VAC 3-way valve (purchased separately) to isolate the primary zone. Once this zone is satisfied, the system will then switch to the non-priority zone to achieve its set point temperature. Only when it has achieved the set point of both zones will the heat pump turn off and return the zone valves back to the priority zone.

All this can be controlled wirelessly through the WiFi app that is standard on all the Arctic Pool Heat Pumps.

Dual Zone Arctic Pool Heat Pumps
24 VAC 3-way valves

24 VAC 3-way valves are controlled by the Arctic Heat Pump to Heat or Cool the Priority body then switch to the secondary body.

swimming pool heat pumps


Electronic valves are opened to the direction of the pool supply and suction. Both valves are controlled simultaneously by the Arctic Pool Heat Pump to target the priority zone.

best pool heat pump


Electronic valves are opened to the direction of the pool supply and suction. Both valves are controlled simultaneously by the Arctic Pool Heat Pump to target the priority zone.

heat pumps for pools


Electronic valves are opened to the direction of the pool supply and suction. Both valves are controlled simultaneously by the Arctic Pool Heat Pump to target the priority zone.

Setting up
3 way valve

Most of the major pool manufactures make electronic valve actuators that simply screw on top of the existing manual 3-way valve simply by removing the handle screw.

The Arctic Heat Pump has 24 VAC output to open and close 2 common pool actuator valves. NC (Normally Closed) and Com (Common) are used for the closed positional of the actuators and NO (Normally Open) and Com are used for the open position of the 3-way valves.

The actuators have adjustable cams internally that can be positioned 180 degrees (fully open/fully closed) or 90 degrees (1/2 open and fully closed). The 90 degree is useful when you want to share the flow in one position but isolate the flow in the other position, such as water fall spas that flow to the pool.

Setting up 3 way valve

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