Integrated heat pump
hot water pre-heating system

If you already have a hydronic heat pump to heat your house, you can add an alt source buffer tank to efficiently preheat your hot water with energy stored in the buffer tank. The 160 feet of cooper coil if contains can transfer up to 96% of this energy to domestic hot water for even greater energy savings!

Integrated heat pump hot water pre-heating system

How pre-heating works

Domestic hot water is done with the addition of a 160 Foot cooper coil that is placed internal inside the Thermo2000 AltSource buffer tank. With such a high surface area, the coil is able to produce up to 96% efficiency providing on-demand hot water.

The Arctic Heat Pump can maintain hot water tank temperature in the Summer while still providing cooling. This is done via a two-tank system – the hot water tank will be priority maintaining temperature, then switching back to the cooling load when the hot water demand is complete.

For those that only have a heating load, a single tank design can be implemented. During the summer, 100% of the domestic hot water heat pump will be achieved through the arctic heat pump and the AltSource domestic hot water coil.

How heat pump water
heaters integrate with
your existing system

Because the winter load can be large, we always recommend the domestic hot water be designed as a pre-heat – whereby the cold water is heated though the heat exchanger in the AltSource tank, and then topped up to 120-130 F via a traditional hot water tank.

The final water heater can be either a standard water tank or a on demand electric or gas heater can be used.

The large coil can provide nearly 96% heat transfer to the domestic hot water as can be seen by this chart below.

AltSource tank
Flow Temperature (leaving)
2.5 GPM 115 F
5.0 GPM 100 F

Heat Pump
Hot Water Heating:
System Overview

The primary Arctic Heat Pump sits outside and transfers the outdoor temperature to the alt source buffer tank for hydronic space heating.

This tank is equipped with a 160 foot copper coil inside. As your hot water tap is turned on, the cold water enters this coil – where it heated from the stored energy in the buffer tank.

It then exists the buffer tanks and enters the existing hot water tank as pre-heated water – getting its temperature topped up to by the gas or electric element in the main hot water heater.

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