Heat Pump Design Applications

Heat Pump Design Applications
Heat Pump Water Heaters

Domestic Hot Water Heat Pumps – Stand-alone or as a pre-heat with 200 foot internal cooper coil for domestic hot water.

EVI technology

Three Sizes to choose from - EVI technology with Inverter Compressor. Works down to -30 C (-22 F)

Composite Buffer Tanks

Composite Buffer Tanks – Light weight with the highest insulation value on the market

Radiant Floor Heating

Complete Radiant Floor Heating & Cooling Packages

Hydronic Cooling

Optional - Hydronic Cooling with Mixing Valve and Humidity Control

Air Handler Heating and Cooling Packages

Complete Central Air Handler Heating and Cooling Packages including both High Velocity and Low Velocity distribution systems

Fan Coil Heating and Cooling Packages

Complete Fan Coil Heating and Cooling Packages

Arctic Inverter Heat Pump

The Arctic Inverter Heat Pump is North America’s only UL-listed cold weather spa and pool heat pump. Rated to -20ºC (-5ºF).

Basic Sample Diagrams for Heating and Cooling with Optional Domestic Hot Water

Basic designs always use a buffer tank (recommended EcoULTRA with back up heating element). The Arctic Heat Pump controls the primary pump and the Heat/Cooling selection switching the 3-way valve. All the other demand zones such as the heating loops and cooling zones require their own pumps and controls. However, we can design both the supply (Heat Pump) and the demand (Radiant Zones) for you at no additional cost.

NOTE The diagrams below are common sample system layouts. Contact our experts to design any system to meet your needs at no charge!

Radiant Heating + Domestic Hot Water

In this system design the buffer tank is always charged with hot water and this glycol/water is circulated as needed through radiant floor loop thought the house. Zone temperature sensors tell the variable speed pump when to turn on off supplying energy to the zones. Multiple zone and multiple manifolds can be used.

Radiant Heating & Cooling + Domestic Hot Water

In this system design the buffer tank is always charged with hot water and this glycol/water is circulated as needed through radiant floor loop thought the house. Zone temperature sensors tell the variable speed pump when to turn on off supplying energy to the zones. Multiple zone and multiple manifolds can be used.

Radiant Heating & Central Air Handler Cooling + Domestic Hot Water

Similar to the Radiant design this design uses the same heating system. However, a 3-way valve is controlled by the heat pump and during cooling season the heat pump supply hot water to the heating tanks for domestic hot water via the internal heat exchanger. It also supplies chilled water to the cooling tank for use by the central air handler which has a separate pump to circulate the chilled water over its internal chilling coil and cold air is circulated through the house and moisture is removed from the air.

Fan Coil Heating/Cooling

Fan Coil Heating/Cooling is easily done using the buffer tanks. The heating/cooling zone is controlled separately by individual room thermostats built into the fan coils. A centralized zone relay connects the fan coils to the zone pump. When any of the room zones call for Heat they will close their contact and activate the pump; drawing heat from the heating tank. In Cooling Mode, the Fan Coil sends a signal to the 3-way valve which changes direction and the pump now draws form the cooling tank. Each fan coil has an internal 3-way valve so that only the fan coils that have a heat or cool demand will allow the flow.

Radiant Floor Heating with Gas/Oil/Propane/Electric Boiler Back Up

Like the Radiant Floor above, this design uses the same heating system. However instead of the electric back up EcoULTRA tank we use a BuffMAX tank that has no element, the back up heat is provided externally via any type of boiler. This design is a great retrofit design for a customer that already has a boiler and wants to switch to a more cost-effective heating means via our Arctic Cold Weather Heat Pump. Optional we have available a TurboMAX tank that is the same tank as the BuffMAX with an internal heat exchanger for domestic hot water.

Light Commercial Radiant Floor Heating

This is a direct replacement for commercial shops that have radiant floor heating and is a direct replacement for an existing boiler or great for new construction. It can use an existing electric or gas boiler for a back up. The hydronic separator is used instead of a buffer tank. This reduces the amount of glycol or in milder climates can be used with water. Ideal when multiple zoning is not used. Radiant Cooling could also be added.

Advanced Heating/Cooling Design

Advanced Heating/Cooling Design – Commercial or large residential system are our specialty. Let us help you design a fully integrated solution from domestic hot water, heating, and cooling. Multiple heating sources can be combined such as air to water heat pump with solar, or high-efficient gas boilers for back to give the greatest efficiencies with integrated back up. With an integrated energy management solution you will be able measure real time and see the saving a our Arctic Heat Pumps can provide. Call us to discuss customization of your project. Design is always FREE!

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Heat Expert

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