Advanced Hydronic Controller - ReSol DeltaSol MX

USD$ 1,759.51
SKU N-285
Out of stock. This item can be backordered. Approx. lead time: 6 weeks.

RESOL DL2 Data Logger – Online Access

USD$ 791.67
SKU N-254
Out of stock. This item can be backordered. Approx. lead time: 6 weeks.

Wireless Outdoor Sensor - HBX WAV-0110

USD$ 199.78
SKU N-409
2 In Stock

Dew Point Switch - RESOL TS10

USD$ 634.98
SKU N-433
Out of stock. This item can be backordered. Approx. lead time: 6 weeks.

Humidity Sensor - RESOL FRH

USD$ 158.10
SKU N-437
Out of stock. This item can be backordered. Approx. lead time: 6 weeks.

Humidity Sensor - RESOL FRHd - Digital

USD$ 160.78
SKU N-443
Out of stock. This item can be backordered. Approx. lead time: 6 weeks.

Outdoor Temperature Sensor - RESOL FAP13

USD$ 63.90
SKU N-450
Out of stock. This item can be backordered. Approx. lead time: 6 weeks.

Advanced Heat Pump Controller - HBX ECO-0600

USD$ 427.16
SKU N-458
17 In Stock

Hydronic Zone Controller - HBX ZON-0600

USD$ 279.86
SKU N-459
18 In Stock

Touch Screen Thermostat - HBX THM-0600

USD$ 166.44
SKU N-460
13 In Stock

Solar Sensor Well Port - 1/2" NPT 45MM

USD$ 31.38
SKU N-289
Out of stock. This item can be backordered. Approx. lead time: 6 weeks.

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